Happy almost new year everyone!
I hope your holidays have been peaceful and rejuvenating. As we gear up for another year of creative unfolding, I’m happy to share one final TRIBE Tuesday story for 2014 (there will be more to come in 2015!).
This inspiring success story comes from Ashley Joon…
It’s been two years since I took Flora Bowely’s Bloom True E-course and I’m now a full time artist. I’ve been dreaming of this for years and I owe so much to Flora and her willingness to share her process to the world.
Her workshop opened me creatively and pushed me to find my own artistic voice.
I’ll admit trying a new style was frustrating, I must have created 50 paintings that were not so pleasing to the eye; however they were learning experiences that I use in my work today. My pieces are now full of color, drips, fingerprints and playfulness.
There’s something magical about letting the painting guide you to what it wants.
One of the lessons that I took to heart was to rediscover my story and hone in on what I’m inspired by and why. There’s a story behind this piece you can find here.
“Finding Balance”
Flora’s bravery gave me the courage to expose myself.
I paint live in different venues as often as I can. It’s terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. I have to rely heavily on my intuition, a skill a learned from taking Flora’s course.
I’ve never been more confident in my work and I’ll forever be thankful for Flora’s lessons.
To see more of my paintings visit AshleyJoon.com.
Thank you Flora. I’ll be taking another workshop soon!
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful work and story, Ashley. I’m cheering your success on from here and so grateful to be a part of your creative journey.
To everyone else, I truly hope you have enjoyed the TRIBE Tuesday stories I have shared this year. As a teacher, I absolutely love hearing about your journeys and how this painting process has impacted your lives (and hearts). Please keep your stories coming so we can keep sharing them here.
Wishing you all balance, health and infinite creative inspiration in 2015.
xo flora
*If you are interested in starting your new year off with an empowering creative journey that will last a lifetime, please join me for the next round of Bloom True: the E-course beginning on January 26th, 2015. First time painters welcomed and encouraged!